Unrelenting Love

Lent 2017 : Day 41

Reflection Posted : 2017-04-11 by : Melissa

Will you lay down your life for me?

Jesus repeated this question after Peter said “I will lay down my life for you” (Jn 38). Jesus knew what was going to happen to him, he knew that Peter was going to betray him three times before the cock crowed. 

Peter believed he was a strong man, a man who could face anything his Master asked him to do, even take Jesus’ place. Peter wanted to act. He was a doer. Peter felt safe with Jesus. Peter knew he could trust Jesus, had faith in his Rabi, and he knew that Jesus was also his friend. Peter wanted to be there for Jesus but Christ knew that He alone could fulfill words of the scriptures and die for our sins.

When we are asked in our day to day life to keep secrets or stand up for something we believe in, are we like Peter who thought that he was strong enough?   Peter wanted to stand up and walk next to Jesus in Jesus’ most trying time on earth, but found out it was more than he was capable of doing.  

Would we deny our friends, our beliefs, when put to the test?  

Sometimes we fall in the face of pressure, sometimes we don’t know if we can stand tall when we are faced with adversity. What we do know is that because Jesus died for our sins we have this amazing opportunity to be forgiven time and again. Jesus knows that we all have shortcomings and that is exactly why he chose to willingly suffer the pain and agony of a crucifixion.

So I ask you again, Will you lay down your life for me? 

Like Peter, I love You, You are my shepherd, I am Your sheep.
I know that I am week sometimes, but I desire to be better than I am.
Help me Lord, grant me strength, wisdom, and courage.
Forgive me my weakness, and with Your gentle hand guide me.

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